Nyati Logo

Made tough and durable to suit your business

NYATI is an integral part of local emerging small businesses in Kenya and in the region at large, providing the best packaging solutions at affordable price points to suit every business need. Our product range offers everything from Egg Trays, Brown Paper, Packaging Paper to Counter Rolls and ETR Rolls. Please refer to our products section to find out more about these products.


NYATI brand of products are made of recycled paper waste and prove as a testament to our commitment towards conservation of our environment. Chandaria Industries is at the forefront of championing the REUSE, REDUCE, RECYCLE policy, by ensuring that our products are made with recycled paper waste, having saved over 22 million trees over the last 31 years and will save another 7 million in the next 5 years. Our paper recycling operations provide employment to over 20,000 Kenyans.